Saturday, November 29, 2008

An Eye for an Eye

An Islamic court in Iran has sentenced a man to be blinded by acid, according to a BBC headline. The sentence comes in retribution for the man's blinding by acid of a woman who refused his hand in marriage. Part of me feels that he is getting what he deserves for being such an impetuous psycho, but still... There seems to be something wrong about a state court using blinding by acid as a penalty for anything.

Blinding/disfiguring by acid seems to be relatively popular in the Arab and Islamic world. I've read of quite a few cases of it in various states in the region. I wonder what the psychology is behind that.


Jet Driver said...

The psychology behind it is simple.
The desire to mar the features of the victim, and to cause them untold mental and physical suffering.

It is also very prevalent in India and Pakistan.
As is the pouring over, and ignition of petrol on women in so called "honour killings" that have, in a bizarre twist of fortune and misfortune, gone wrong.


Leo Americanus said...

Well, the psychology behind the desired outcome of the act may be simple, but I don't think that the psychology that leads people to frequently decide to do such things is so simple. There are a lot of twisted ideologies, blocked ambitions, and generally sick mental processes behind the decision tree that leads people in that part of the world to turn to such an act time and again.