Friday, July 18, 2008

Once the Jinn is out of the Bottle...

Dubai has recently cracked down on "lewd" behavior that is contrary to the city-state's morals. See the UAE Community Blog for a set of links to news articles.

But once the proverbial jinn is out of the bottle, can it be stuffed back in? Dubai wants to sell itself as a world tourism and business destination. In becoming what almost everyone describes as Las Vegas without casinos, though, Dubai has also sold its soul to a degree. It may be a bit late to correct course to try to be a "conservative" tourism and business destination.

Oman's slow, but steady and staid course may look a lot more intelligent in coming years. Financial Times reports:
Oman is developing itself as an upmarket tourist destination with a focus on culture and adventure, as distinct from the more commercial offerings of its immediate neighbours, Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. ...
Salim al-Mamari, director general of tourism promotion, says Oman has taken a "different approach" to tourism development. "We are paying attention to maintaining our identity. We are not into mass tourism. We are looking for responsible tourism, meaning those who can help me maintain Oman as it is."

One has to respect Oman and Omanis for telling it like it is, avoiding soul-selling greed, and aiming for a development model that they can live with for the long term...


Abdullah Ali said...

I always liked that about Oman and I think is approach definitely has its ups.

But that being said, the income that we get from this approach is not even close to what is being made in Dubai for example.

So I guess, there is a price to every approach.

Leo Americanus said...

Yes, but... I think that Oman's model is one that Omanis can live with, one that can be built in an incremental and sustainable way, and one that doesn't lend itself to boom or crash to degree that Dubai's model does.

I think Oman's model can result in a relatively strong nation-state with a sustainable economy with the full involvement of Omanis. Dubai plans to rent itself out at a very high premium with very little local value added.

Abdullah Ali said...

...makes sense. Yep, I agree to that.

Undercover Dragon said...

Oman's model is very much in line with the steer from HM. And in the long run, mountains, culture and the vast coast line (if the Omanis can look after it and stop trashing their own country with mountain dew bottles and plastic bags) will win out. Its a classic long term play compared to Dubai's flash in the pan, Las Vegas approach.

I predict Oman will be the first of the GCC states to switch to a constitutional monarcy with an elected Majlis. Its no accident that HM does not appear to have an heir....